His Touch


The first time she felt his lips her body tingled, not just the wondrous moment of skin on skin, but an actual tingle. He nuzzled her neck and her side erupted with goosebumps, all the way to her toes. God, it felt like ice cream on a hot day, something so intense she would not have believed it was real if she hadn’t seen the rise of her skin and the felt quickening of her heart.

Her reaction to his caress astonished her. She never expected to feel this way again; the love of her life gone for so many years, yet so dear to her heart. She was much too old for this kind of behavior and never for an instant did she think she was capable of returning such lust.

He said the things a girl longs to hear; the sweet mumbles of romantic notions, promises of the future, and the compliment she knows may not be the complete truth but sound like heaven to her ears.

Everything about him is perfect except for the things that aren’t. Oh, but the imperfections are so minimal compared to the rest of the package. She is already in love with him even though she has just met him. She waits impatiently for the three words that will send her over the edge.

For more of my Mellow Monday flash fiction check these out.

Three Squeezes

Growing Old

About angelallindseth

Putting the finishing touches on The Contraption, a dystopian novel dealing with conversion therapy and social inequality. It's The Handmaid's Tale meets Divergent.
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3 Responses to His Touch

  1. Vicki Kapust says:

    I remember when you first wrote this. Sort of about me…

    Liked by 1 person

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